15 May, 2024

We are introducing the SK45 Railing, an attractively priced variant of the SK45 adaptive roller shutter box

Roller shutters

The SK45 is one of our most popular adaptive roller shutters. The new, economical SK45 Railing variant is expected to appeal to an even broader audience.

"To beat the competition, we need to offer more at the same price or make our product cheaper without losing functionality. Our new variant of the SK45 adaptive roller shutter, the SK45 Railing, achieves both of these goals by providing full functionality at a lower price and encouraging purchase with its unique lock design,” explains Sebastian Langer, product manager for roller shutters.

The key feature of the SK45 Railing is its affordable price, which comes without any compromises on the quality or functionality of the product. An added value is its intriguing design. The box lock resembles the solutions favored by investors, used in RAFF-i shutter boxes.

The SK45 Railing can be painted in any color from the RAL palette. We offer it in four dimensions: 137 x 137 mm, 165 x 165 mm, 180 x 180 mm, and 205 x 205 mm. For the availability of the integrated mosquito net, please consult our sales department.


See also

Eko-Okna S.A.
Kornice, ul. Spacerowa 4
47-480 Pietrowice Wielkie
NIP: 6391813241, KRS: 0000586067

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