10 January, 2024

A healthy home with air inlets for uPVC windows


The thermal comfort and health of the residents of a house are a priority. While buyers' choices are determined chiefly by windows' heat transfer coefficients and airtightness, it is worth remembering that a building needs proper ventilation, too. It is ensured by Eko-Okna air inlets, of which we offer as many as 11 models.

They are small, minimalist in design and fit into any interior. Air inlets, often referred to as trickle vents are, in fact, window accessories. What matters most, however, is the function they perform.

"They are key components of a window. They allow for an effective exchange of air, eliminating unpleasant odours and dampness, the latter seriously damaging the walls of a building and the health of its residents. Installation of ventilators lets us enjoy fresh and clean air even when windows are closed," says Sebastian Zieliński, Senior Technologist – Technical Advisor at Eko-Okna.

The lack of ventilators means there is inadequate air circulation, which often leads to a significant increase in the humidity level in the room. As a result, mould and other microorganisms develop and attack walls, furniture and even clothing.

We offer 11 models of air inlets to meet individual user needs. They represent four categories:

All are regulated by differential pressure and two-stage manual control and are characterised by ease of operation and maintenance. They are made of high-quality materials and guarantee durability and reliability for many years.

By choosing Eko-Okna inlets, you are not only investing in modern solutions but also the well-being of yourself and your loved ones.

For more information, please visit here: https://ekookna.us/ekous/products/trickle-vent 

Feel free to contact our sales representatives.


See also

Eko-Okna S.A.
Kornice, ul. Spacerowa 4
47-480 Pietrowice Wielkie
NIP: 6391813241, KRS: 0000586067