The roller shutters offered by Eko-Okna can be manipulated very conveniently with remote control. Simply press the button, and the motor installed in the roller shutter will lower or raise it as much as you decide. Instead of remote control, you can also use wall-mounted switches. To optimally reduce your investment costs, you can operate the shutters manually. A belt with a retractor or a convenient crank will do.
Using a top-mounted roller shutter is the best way to reduce expenses related to interior temperatures. When it's cold outside, a lowered roller blind will provide an extra barrier seeping out energy, which helps even the best windows. When, on the other hand, the heat is pouring from the sky, lowering the top-mounted roller blind will keep the sun out, and the air conditioning will require much less energy to create a comfortable atmosphere.
If top-mounted roller shutters are fitted at the installation stage of new windows, their box can be hidden under the insulation on both sides. It will be completely hidden in the wall. In this approach, it will not be visible on the façade, as is the case with typical external solutions. Although roller shutter boxes can nowadays be very aesthetically pleasing, it is understandable that the vision of the façade does not necessarily envisage the presence of such an element on it. With top-mounted roller shutters, this element can be eliminated.
By using top-mounted roller shutters, you can create exceptionally warm windows. It is possible due to the shutters providing additional protection from the weather and the cold. They are installed right by the window, providing direct support to it in a way that all window parameters are improved. Top-mounted roller shutters are an integral part of the window, thus gaining an advantage over window accessories, as some other solutions can be deemed.
Hotline: +48 572 337 243 Connection fee in accordance with the operator`s price list.
Eko-Okna S.A.
Kornice, ul. Spacerowa 4
47-480 Pietrowice Wielkie
NIP: 6391813241
KRS: 0000586067
Olszyny 9
44-373 Wodzisław Śląski
Naftowa 23
47-225 Kędzierzyn-Koźle