Uw for Ug = 0.5
(Ultimate Spacer)*
The Naturo 92 wooden window system is intended for energy-saving investments and passive buildings. It was created for people who want to enjoy contact with a natural material, such as wood, without sacrificing high thermal insulation.
Naturo 92 is primarily an ecological material. Its use reduces the carbon footprint of the investment. It is also the most human-friendly system.
The wood is pleasant and warm to the touch and has a unique aesthetic. They are characterised by antistatic properties, thanks to which dust settles on them more slowly and they can be washed less often.
Naturo 92 profiles are exceptionally durable. Their durability is achieved by combining four layers of dried wood and covering them with four layers of innovative varnishes. Effective protection also reduces maintenance requirements to a minimum. The windows are covered by a multi-year warranty.
* The above Uw value is given for a reference window with dimensions of 1230 x 1480 mm.
Applies to standard orders with a production date by the end of February 2025. Details available in the Sales Department.
Hotline: +48 572 337 243 Connection fee in accordance with the operator`s price list.
Eko-Okna S.A.
Kornice, ul. Spacerowa 4
47-480 Pietrowice Wielkie
NIP: 6391813241
KRS: 0000586067
Olszyny 9
44-373 Wodzisław Śląski
Naftowa 23
47-225 Kędzierzyn-Koźle